Auto Insurance in and around Newport
Auto owners in the Newport area, State Farm can help with your insurance needs.
Time to get a move on, safely.
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- State of Maine
Here When The Unexpected Arrives
Whether it's a mini van or an electric vehicle, your vehicle could need great coverage for the valuable work it contributes to keep you moving. And especially when the unexpected happens, it can be important to have the right insurance for this significant detail of your daily living.
Auto owners in the Newport area, State Farm can help with your insurance needs.
Time to get a move on, safely.
Agent Doug Brockway, At Your Service
Your vehicle will thank you for making sure you're prepared with State Farm insurance. This can look like emergency road service coverage, uninsured motor vehicle coverage and/or collision coverage, and more. That's not all! There are also a variety of savings options including a newer vehicle safety features discount, an anti-theft discount and Steer Clear®.
Want to check out the other options that may also be available to you? State Farm agent Doug Brockway would love to walk through them with you and help you create a policy that fits your specific needs. Visit Doug Brockway to get started!
Have More Questions About Auto Insurance?
Call Douglas D at (207) 355-3252 or visit our FAQ page.
Simple Insights®
Benefits and safety tips for Uber and Lyft
Benefits and safety tips for Uber and Lyft
Ridesharing is a convenient and budget-friendly way to get around. These tips might help you stay safe, so all you have to do is sit back and enjoy the ride.
Driving distractions and how to avoid them
Driving distractions and how to avoid them
Driving distractions endanger drivers, passengers and pedestrians. Here are common driving distractions and tips on how you can help avoid them.
Doug Brockway
State Farm® Insurance AgentSimple Insights®
Benefits and safety tips for Uber and Lyft
Benefits and safety tips for Uber and Lyft
Ridesharing is a convenient and budget-friendly way to get around. These tips might help you stay safe, so all you have to do is sit back and enjoy the ride.
Driving distractions and how to avoid them
Driving distractions and how to avoid them
Driving distractions endanger drivers, passengers and pedestrians. Here are common driving distractions and tips on how you can help avoid them.